Where is my team?
Are they ok?
Help them if needed
Communicate instantly
Coordination in an emergency
Biometrically activated
Access Control
Comprehensive Login Control
Find My Card
Location Audits
Activity Monitor
Contact Tracing
Time Clock
Make it simple. Make it convient. Be a hero, you're employees and students will love it.
The Chrome Road Cards is sophisticated card computer packed with radios and sensors, and is owned, managed and even programmed by the enterprise.
The Chrome Roads Card and infrastructure fits well into common implementation environments including:
Host your card applications and management in the Chrome Roads Cloud or locally if needed. Choose the support options that suit your needs.
Fred is a co-founder at Chrome Roads. Fred was a co-founder at BCF Technology, an insurtech company that was later sold to Vertafore. Fred has many commercial products under his belt ranging from healthcare to banking. In 2018 Fred solo’d the globe on a DRZ400 and brings the same drive to Chrome Roads.
Glenn is a co-founder at Chrome Roads. Past efforts include enterprise sales at Oracle, business development at IOSafe, and capital raising at Combio. Glenn is married with a seven-year-old daughter and lives on the East Coast.
Chrome Roads Inc.
235 Vista Village Drive #1002
Vista, CA.
United States